Happy New Year
Just a quick message to all to say that we wish you well in the coming year.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
This is a blog about my son, Caden. It contains information about my wife's pregnancy, Caden's birth, and life there after.
As most know, my son has Prader-Willi Syndrome, so if there is anything related, that will be posted here as well.
Feel free to post comments and questions.
Luke 1:14 - And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.
Just a quick message to all to say that we wish you well in the coming year.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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12/31/2007 09:13:00 PM
1 Additions
Last night Caden got to give his great grandma Masako kisses for the last time. At 12:23 AM, Masako past on comfortably and quietly.
Caden, Holly, and I were at dinner with my brother Josh, his fiance Amy, and my nephew Cameron. Some time around 8:00 PM Josh received a phone call from our mother saying that Masako was probably not going to make it home today like we initially thought. We had just paid for dinner so we rushed out the door. We made it to the hospital within 10 minutes. They said she was in a coma.
Once Caden saw Masako, he wanted to give her kisses. Every time that we visited, he wanted to give her kisses. I picked him up and he gave her hugs and kisses. After letting her hear Caden and Cameron playing around we decided that it wasn't best for the kids to be there, so Holly took Caden home and my mother-in-law Debbie stayed with him.
Her heart rate was around 81 bpm when we got there and it slowly started to decline over the hours. We started talking to her and asking her questions...and she started responding. We took it as a sign that she could hear and understand us. We asked if she wanted some ice and she would reply, "Yes." Since she was talking we all were giving her kisses and telling her that we love her. My mother gave her a kiss and said, "I love you Mommy-san." Masako whispered, "I love you too." My uncle Steve went next and he got the same whisper. I gave her a kiss and told her that I love her and she belted, "I love you too!" The whole room heard her say it. This made us all start to cry. Now my uncle is a little jealous since I got a loud reply.
She held on for a few more hours and we could tell when she was passing because her heart rate was erratic, so we said our final goodbyes.
We will miss you grandma!!! !-{
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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12/29/2007 06:42:00 AM
Labels: family
Just want to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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11/22/2007 11:12:00 AM
Labels: holiday, Thanksgiving
It's been a while since I've posted, but we've had a lot happen. Where to start. Caden is going to be a big brother, we went on vacation, and Caden is walking more than anything now.
Until I have time to post more, here is some photos from Mt. Rushmore.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
Left here by
10/01/2007 02:33:00 PM
Labels: baby, Caden, development, family, fun, Mt Rushmore, picture, South Dakota, vacation, walking
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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9/10/2007 08:19:00 AM
Labels: Caden, development, video, walking
Caden is going to be a big brother. Holly woke me up at 1 or 2 AM in the morning on Thursday to let me know she already took a pregnancy test. She called me into the bathroom and I thought she was getting sick. She had been nauseous all week. When I walked around the corner she put the test in my face. I looked at, turned around, and headed back to bed.
She said, "Aren't you excited?" I said, "I am, but you woke me up and I'm still sleeping. I'll be more excited when I wake up and once we have it confirmed by lab work."
I was more excited in the morning. Then on Friday we had it confirmed by lab work. They sent a tentative due date of May 20th. Holly will go in October 8th for an ultrasound and to see if we can hear the heartbeat.
So, please pray for us as we want a healthy baby.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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9/08/2007 11:00:00 AM
Caden is now walking a lot more. He still crawls a lot, but he is using walking as a way of moving quite a bit. He will walk with and with out help. He is still too scared to do it all by walking all of the time, but he is getting there. He almost never scoots on his butt anymore. Except when he goes down the stairs. He will now go down the entire flight of stairs by his self.
He is also now drinking from a straw. When we tried it before, he would bite the straw and attempt to remove the straw with his teeth. When we would give him a taste of something by a straw he would suck out of it then, so he knew how to. He just didn't do it. Last week I got an icee from QT and he wanted some. So, I told him that he had to drink out of the straw like a big boy to get some. I figured he wasn't going to drink out of the straw. Next thing I know, my finger that is touching part of the straw is cold. He did it! I was so ecstatic. So, we have used a straw several times since then and he has consistantly used it.
He had a visit from a speech therapist last week. We figured she would say that he would need help, but she says that he is doing fine. She was not even expecting him to be doing as well as he is. He is not using the same sound all of the time. Although some times it feels like it. He does use some words, but he is showing us a lot using signs. She said that we aren't giving him the credit that he deserves. Using signs is treated the same as normal speech. She went through an evaluation sheet for children his age with 7 or so development areas. He cleared 6 of the 7 and almost cleared the 7th. So, we'll just keep working with him as we are and it will all come together eventually.
On Monday I (daddy) took him to see his Nephrologist, Dr Lovell. She asked how he has been healthwise. Asked if he has been sick or had any Urinary Tract Infections. Which he has not, so she was happy with that. They were able to get his blood pressure on the first shot. That is not an easy feat with Caden. It was good. She looked him over and he appeared to be good she said. Caden is now 35 inches tall, and about 35 lbs. She also asked for a urine sample and for him to give blood before we left so they could ran their panel of tests that they like.
Tomorrow we will go to his Endocrinologist's office. We are not going to see Dr. Corley, we will see his assistant Arlene. I don't entirely remember why we aren't seeing him, but I think this visit is mainly to get height, weight, check for any concerns. Basically a checkup to make sure there are no problems. We'll see tomorrow morning.
We are also going to be on vacation towards the end of September. We will leave after Holly and I finish work on Thursday September 20th and then return back Tuesday September 25th. We are taking Caden to see Mount Rushmore. I have never been there. Holly was when she was younger. We are really excited to go and we hope that the weather will be nice to us. In the Black Hills, it can snow as early as September. So, we are keeping our fingers crossed.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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8/29/2007 08:38:00 AM
Labels: Caden, development, doctor, growth, South Dakota, stairs, therapist, walking
Sorry that I haven't posted anything. There really hasn't been much to say. That's why I haven't posted.
As I write this, Holly calls me and tells me that Caden walked out of the bathroom his self. She had him in the bathroom downstairs where the changing table is. She changed his diaper and set him down on his feet. She told him to go in the play area expecting him to sit and then scoot on his butt or start crawling. He walked to the door, pushed it open, and then took a few more steps before he sat.
She calls me again and he walked from the couch to the TV. That is a good 15 feet or so. He was on the couch eating his afternoon snack and he had finished. He got off of the couch and was standing. So, she told him to "Go get Alyssa." Then he walked all the way across the room to Alyssa (his cousin).
I will be posting some pictures later today or tomorrow, so keep a lookout.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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7/26/2007 12:13:00 PM
Labels: Caden, development, walking
We went to South Dakota to visit Holly's family. There was a celebration in the town of Badger, SD for their centennial (100 years). Caden went swimming in Lake Poinsett. He didn't like the swimming part as much as he like sitting at the water's edge and throwing rocks in as you'll see in the pictures.
There was a parade that Caden's 2nd cousin Casey was in. He entered in using his race car as his float. There'll be pictures for that as well.
There was a street dance in the downtown area, and we could barely keep Caden away from the stage. Every time that we pulled him away, he'd pull us right back and start dancing. When the fireworks were going off, Caden was paying attention to them, but he was also watching his 2nd cousin Andy. He would watch one go off, then he'd wait to see Andy's reaction and then mimic what Andy did. So, if Andy said "Wow!" Caden would. It was kind of funny.
The view the photos on pickle click here.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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7/02/2007 12:44:00 PM
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6/25/2007 08:07:00 AM
Labels: Caden, development, walking
On saturday Holly and I decided that it was time to try Caden in a toddler bed. So, we pulled out the extra boards for his bed. It converts from a crib to a toddler bed, and then to a twin. We thought the instructions were wrapped up with the boards. Well, they weren't. I looked at the boards and one of them seemed to be the length of the front of the crib between the posts.
So, I pulled the plastic wrap off the boards and the board was the correct length and it had the holes on the sides for the bolts. I removed the front part and put the board in place. It was the correct board. I later looked up the instructions on the internet and I did it correctly according to them. I also found out that when we are ready to change it into a twin bed, we are missing a board. So, we are going to contact the place where we bought it from out of chance that they will replace it.
Holly had a "girl's come buy some stuff so I can get free stuff" party saturday night, so Caden and I went over to uncle Josh's house to watch movies and play with his cousin Cameron. Cameron has some toddler size, battery powered four-wheelers. Josh put Cameron at one end of the hallway and I put Caden at the other end and let them both go. They went for each other on the 4-wheelers and played chicken. It was funny to watch. I'll post the video to it later or tomorrow.
Since we were at Josh's, when we came home Caden was already sleeping. I put him into his toddler bed for the night. I was up all night checking on him. He rolled out of bed twice and got out of bed once.
The first time he rolled out of bed, we didn't even hear him. I came in the room and there Caden was sleeping on the pillows we put at the side of his bed in case he did roll out. The second time, I was walking in to check on him as he was rolling out of bed.
When he got out of bed, I didn't think it was him at first. I was already up for the day. I heard a rustle at the child gate we put on his door. I thought it was Kira, our cat, just rubbing against it. Then I heard Caden grunt as he was standing up at the gate. So, I picked him up and sat back on the couch with him. He fell asleep on me, so I put him back to bed. He was good for the rest of the night.
Last night, he moved all over his bed like he usually does, but he didn't roll out at all. So, it may have only taken him one night to get used to being in a toddler bed. If he did roll out, he got back into bed all by his self. We'll see over the next few nights if he is used to it.
NOTE: Pictures and video to be posted later tonight or tomorrow.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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6/04/2007 08:26:00 AM
A child on the Prader-Willi boards that I read on Yahoo! Groups has past at the age of 11 1/2 months. He was due to turn 1 today and be christened. I ask that you send some of your prayers to the family.
Someone also posted this poem on the boards that I thought I would share.
God Sent to Me an Angel
By Paul Dammon 11/96
God sent to me an angel, it had a broken wing.
I bent my head and wondered "How could God do such a thing?"
When I asked the Father why He sent this child to me,
the answer was forthcoming, He said "Listen and you'll see."
"My children are all precious, and none is like the rest.
Each one to me is special, and the least is as the best.
I send each one from Heaven and I place it in the care
of those who know my mercy, those with love to spare.
Sometimes I take them back again. Sometimes I let them stay.
No matter what may happen I am never far away.
So if you find an angel and you don't know what to do,
remember, I am with you, love is all I ask of you."
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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6/03/2007 06:08:00 AM
Labels: Prader-Willi, prayer, PWS
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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6/01/2007 02:56:00 PM
Caden had his first PT (Physical Therapy) session at Children's Hospital in Omaha, NE yesterday morning. His therapist's name is Katie. She evaluated how he pulls up, crawls, walks, and climbs stairs. She did ask about what his current services are and said that she likes what his current therapists are saying.
She doesn't think it'll be much longer before Caden walks. Which is good news of course. We scheduled Wednesday mornings for the next 6 weeks, but she is guessing that we won't need that many. We can only hope.
On more of a funny comment. Caden wrestled one of the daycare kids to pin her. He and Cara were sitting in a turtle sandbox that we are using as a ball pit. Holly said that he got face to face with her, really close, then he pushed her over and put his arm around her neck to get her down all of the way to pin her. I don't know where he learned this from since I don't watch wrestling.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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5/17/2007 02:02:00 PM
Labels: Caden, development, fun, PT, wrestling
Well, neeedless to say, but yesterday was Caden's 2nd birthday. I've got a couple pictures at the moment of his party. The rest will come shortly. I do also have some short videos of Caden eating his cake and ice cream.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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5/07/2007 07:56:00 AM
This is Prader-Willi Awareness week/month. So, we decided to do some awareness in our family and friends. The Prader-Willi Association sent us some orange support bracelets to hand out, some information pamplets, and an "Early Years" video to watch.
We invited mostly family, and some friends to come watch the video. We were so happy with all that showed up. Even some people who said that they weren't coming over still did. We treated them to dinner and a show (the video). They had a few questions, which we were able to answer, and some comments.
We are so thankful that those who came did.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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5/03/2007 04:15:00 PM
Labels: awareness, Caden, family, Prader-Willi, PWS
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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4/23/2007 09:57:00 AM
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4/17/2007 10:27:00 AM
(NOTE ON POSTING DATE: This was supposed to be posted 3/22/07 at 2:40 PM.)
Caden is now climbing everywhere he can. On tuesday night Holly called me while I was at work. She was watching a little boy named Mario and of course Caden. They were in our basement, which is where Holly has her daycare, and she went into the bathroom and when she came out she asked herself, "Where's Caden? Where's Mario?" She looked around the stairs real quick then she darted up the stairs. They were up stairs and headed towards the bedrooms and Caden's playroom.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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4/17/2007 08:57:00 AM
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4/09/2007 08:31:00 AM
Caden has had a cough for 4 days and it is getting stronger. Sometimes it’s to the point where he’ll gag. The past two nights I’ve ran the humidifier in his room to help. He didn’t cough either night. But, when he wakes up he starts coughing.
Holly called the doctor’s office yesterday, but I couldn’t take him in since I was in a meeting all day. The doctor’s office was upset that we weren’t able to bring him in, but they said to call this morning and we could set up a time for him to come in. We called when they opened and they were able to get him in this morning.
Dr. Krenzer is not in the office on Tuesdays, so Caden had to see Dr. Mikuls. He has seen her before. She said his ears look great, so no ear infection. She actually said that around two years of age is when it is kind of rare for kids to get ear infections.
They gave him a breathing treatment which he struggled to not receive. I almost couldn’t hold him. When he was done he coughed up a storm, but that’s what they wanted to hear. They said he would be fine, just to continue what we’ve been doing.
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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3/27/2007 10:31:00 AM
I know you are going to say, quit playing but this is true. Caden, climbed our basement stairs. I even got video of it. It is currently in short 15 second clips in a format that I can't put together right now, but I will. I came home from work earlier this week and Caden was half way up the stairs. So, the video will pick up from half way to the top.
Caden has also started climbing onto and off of the couch. The stairs we understand that he would learn pretty easily, but the couch. He put his leg up on the couch and pulled his self up. He is also getting his self off of the couch by rolling to his belly and sliding to the floor. I have yet to get this on video, but I will.
I also have some video of Caden swinging and loving it. He was giggling and laughing the whole time.
Caden is doing very good when we take away his plate. He has his days, as everybody does, where he just doesn't care and is pissed that you took it away. But, if we say "This is the last bite, then it's all gone." Then we give him the bite and say, "All gone." (While making the sign for "all gone.") He really doesn't care that he's done.
Caden now knows the signs for: mine, more, please, milk, thank you, and he uses a point and a hand closure for "I want."
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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3/15/2007 02:25:00 PM
Labels: Caden, development, stairs
Caden's website is now at http://vermule.brinkster.net/caden/. The videos are down at the moment, but I should have them up soon. In the mean time, here are a couple new pictures.
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2/28/2007 10:45:00 AM
Labels: picture
I was on my way to work this morning when Holly called my cell phone.
Holly: "Guess what Caden just did?"
ME: "I don't know, what did he say?" (I thought she said, "Guess what Caden just said?")
Holly: "No, what he did! He took the lid off his cup! He unscrewed the lid off of his sippy cup and poured the milk out on the floor. I was wondering what he was doing because the other kids were just looking at him and laughing. I looked over and he had the lid in one hand and his cup was empty in the other hand. So, now he is covered in milk and there is a puddle on the floor."
ME: "So, now the floor is going to smell like rotten milk."
Holly: "And I also have to change him because he's soaked from trying to drink it."
I took Caden to the doctor yesterday for a 21 month check up and his doctor said that he is a smart boy. He is now 33 inches long (tall when he stands), he weighs 26 lbs. 6 oz. He is in the 40th percentile for height, and the 30th percentile for weight. His doctor said he has been staying consistant with those percentages and she is happy with the balance between the two. She also said that she expects him to be walking within a couple months.
Caden also has a new cousin. 3rd cousin to be exact. Holly's cousin Casey and his wife Koye had a little boy on Wednesday. Kahne Anthony is Caden's new 3rd cousin to join his extended family. So he now has 2 cousins (Cameron [11 months] & Alyssa [1 month]) and two 3rd cousins (Taya [5 months] and Kahne [2 days]).
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2/09/2007 07:23:00 AM
Holly called me this morning with some wonderful news! She was sitting on the floor and Caden was standing holding on to her hands. He let go and walked 2 or 3 steps to her!!!
[NOTE: This was posted on Monday 1/22/2007. I accidentally saved this post as a draft instead of publishing it.]
Until Next time, I continue to ask for and thank you for your prayers.
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1/18/2007 11:00:00 AM
Labels: Caden, development