PICTURES OF CADEN (Newest at bottom.)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Today's Specialist Appointment

They put Holly on a fetal monitor to check his heartbeat and movements. The average seemed to be about 146 to 147 bpm to me. They had to "zap" him a couple of times to get him to move some. He's just like his mother, he's stubborn and likes to sleep in.

The biophysical profile estimated him to be about 5 lbs. and 9 oz. Dr. Levine, the specialist, said that appears to be a bit high, he said he would lean closer to 5 lbs. Either way, Caden is gaining weight.

His stomach is about 3 weeks small, so he's caught up a little bit since the last full test 2 weeks ago. Dr. Levine thinks that he may have the umbilical cord wrapped around him some where, and that may be a cause of the "tummy problem."

Dr. Levine said he was going to recommend an amniocentesis to Holly's regular doctor, Dr. Jones. He said that they would do it next Thursday on her next visit if she agrees. He thinks that it would be wise to check to see if his lungs are developed. Then, he thinks that they would be able to make a better decision as to when to actually bring him out.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Holly called me...

Holly called with an idea that I could do nothing but laugh about.

She said that she wants to have him next Thursday, because he would be born on 05-05-05. I couldn't help, but to laugh.

He would have a "special" birthday like is dad, 9-9-81.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

36 weeks this week...

My wife went to the doctor yesterday, and her doctor said that she does not see any reason that Caden should stay in past 37 weeks. He will more than likely be here by next friday. Her doctor said that he will definately be here by the 18th of May.

Since my dad's birthday is the 4th of May, it's going to be another "special event" coupling for us. My wife's birthday is the 7th of Semptember, while mine is the 9th. Then my mother's birthday is the 21st of September, which is also Holly and I's anniversary. Holly's mother's birthday is the 14th of February, which we all know as Valentine's Day! It's all good though. At least it makes it harder to forget "special" days.

Holly's doctor again confirmed that he is still breached, so it will still be a cesarian (c-section). The doctor did also say that she doesn't think that he is going to be a small baby, but that he is just going to have a small tummy. I am glad to hear that.

Holly has gained 8 lbs. in the last week that she has been on bed rest, which is good since she had only gained 1 lb the previous week. I'm just hoping that he had a similar growth.

My wife goes again to the specialist this Thursday, so we'll know more about his estimated weight and other things then.

Holly was so excited!!

She actually saw him breathing!!! She said that was more exciting than when she saw his heart beating.

I'm excited everytime I see him during an ultrasound, when I hear his heart beat, when I feel him kicking, when I'm looking into his room, when I see other children, when I even think about him. I just can't wait.

I know that we both just want to see him, and hold him so bad. I definately know now that I can't wait to be a dad.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Second Shower

It went really well. My wife loved it. Her friend Rachel gave the shower and she went all out. She gave out some good door prizes and such. One of the prizes was a new crock pot. So she did awesome.

She had all kinds of food, mints, cake, a "diaper cake" (not edible), make-shift binky's (made from life savers, gingerbread frosting, and a jelly bean), miniature bottles filled with nuts and mints, and a nice punch.

Not everybody that RSVPed showed up, but you can't expect everybody to be feeling well, or not have something more important come up.

We recieved a bunch of blankets (bought and homemade), a LOT of diapers, a couple of clothes baskets for him, some clothes (not too many, which is mostly what we recieved during the first shower), bottles, a couple toys and stuffed animals, and some gift certificates and cash.

At one point, they said that I was coming, and Rachel's younger daughter and Tara's twins (a friend of my wife's) ran to the window and were looking for me. They said that they sat at the window for like 5 or 10 minutes. I think the kids like me, what about you?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Good and Bad News

The specialist didn't do a full test on him. He didn't get every measurement because they had just measured about a week ago and it would be almost pointless to do so. So he'll measure him fully next week.

He said that he probably weights about 4 lbs. 10 oz. based on normal growth. But, since he didn't do the full measurements, he doesn't know for sure. He did say that he may just be a skinny baby. If that's all it is, I'm not going to be that worried.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Another Appointment Tomorrow

My wife has decided that I don't have to attend the appointment with the specialist tomorrow. She said that she will be okay going by herself. She thought that I've been missing a lot of work lately, so I should stay at work.

Then she calls me up about an hour after that saying that her friend Rachel is going with. Oh well, I'll have plenty of time to see him soon.

She'll call me with the details after the appointment.

Monday, April 18, 2005

He "IS" coming early!!!

My wife called me a short while ago and her doctor confirmed that Caden will be here early. She doesn't know when, of course. But, she is confirming that he will come before May 25th. And as of now, it will be a Cesarian (C-Section).

We found out that the reason why they decreased my wife's activity and restricted her diet is because the amniotic fluid around the baby seemed like a lower amount than it should be. The doctor thinks that the placenta is starting to "wear off" early. But, my wife being put on bed rest and being put on the diet that she was is helping. The doctor said that things were looking better than the last visit.

My wife is going to be put on a stress test and have an ultrasound everytime that she goes to see her doctor. Then, she also has to see the specialist doctor once a week and get another ultrasound. It's going to be a pain, but we'll do everything that we have to to make sure that he is okay and is going to be okay.

On a side note:

My wife told the doctor about Dr. Hoffman, she said that she is not surprised that we didn't like her. She said she didn't want to send her to Dr. Hoffman, but she had no choice. She said that she IS in fact rude, and that she has no bedside manners at all! It's glad to know that it wasn't just us that thought so.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Not out of the doghouse yet...

They did an ultrasound and they said that his estimated weight is 4 lbs. 6 oz. From what I know, that is a good weight at 34 weeks. All of the estimates that I have seen, estimate a baby to be about 4 3/4 lbs.

So, I'm expecting him to be fine. And that my wife is just a worrier. I was wrong. They estimated that his stomach is now 4 weeks behind where it should be. So, now my wife has to go in to her doctor once a week, and to the specialist once a week until he is born. They are basically going to decide week to week if he would be better off staying, or being taken out. My guess is that they'll let her hit the full term (37 week) mark and then take him out. I don't see him lasting the full 40 weeks. He'll be here before May 25th.

My wife is also pretty much on bed rest until she has him. She can only be on her feet and moving around a maximum of 3 hours a day. She has to stick to a strict 2,000 calorie meal plan with a limitation on how many carbs she can have.

5:02 AM

We're at the hospital. My wife went to the bathroom and when she wiped there was blood on the toilet paper. This has happened twice since we went to bed. She is also having pains, possibly contranctions, in her lower back. When she stands up, she also gets a lot of pressure in her lower abdomen.

She called her doctor and her doctor said to go to the emergency room to get checked out. We came in and they put her on a fetal monitor and his heartbeat is averaging about 132 bpm.

They said they are going to do an ultrasound to see if everything is okay.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

34 Weeks down, up to 6 or 7 weeks to go!!

I can't believe that my son will be here in somewhere around 6 weeks. I'm so excited.

My wife has a Dr. appointment tomorrow, and I am going to go to see what her doctor has to say about her last visit and the ultrasound that she had done. I'm hoping that she appears to be fine and he looks fine as well.

It is so nerve racking though to wait. We have one more week until we go to see the specialist doctor again to see if he appears to be catching up at all. If he is, then that is awesome. If he is not, then the specialist and my wife's doctor will determine if and when they should take him out.

The biggest reason why I do not want him to be taken out, is that I think that he will have to spend some time in the hospital, and I don't want that at all. And I know that my wife does not want that. I can't bear the thought of leaving my baby boy alone at the hospital.

We'll find out more tomorrow and next week.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I started crying while I was looking into my son's room. I was looking at his bed, toys and the other things that we have for him, and I just couldn't believe that I am going to be a father.

It is hitting home more and more as time goes on, but I already know that nothing will compare to the first moments when I hear him cry and get to see him. I'm going to hold him and I know that when I do, I'll never want to let him go.

I already know that if I've done anything in my life worth bragging about, or that I should be proud of, he is it. I just hope that I'm as good as a father as my own is, and as everybody says that I can be.

Luke 1:14 - And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.

Friday, April 8, 2005

My wife is complaining...

Almost every day, she says that Caden hasn't moved all day, but when I come home, he moves. I can do nothing but laugh when she tells me this.

It's the same way with our cat, Kira. She'll sleep most of the day, (unless my wife opens the windows or something similar) and then when I come home she greets me at the door with love and meows.

My wife thinks that it is going to be the same when Caden is born. We'll just have to wait and see.

They say that boys tend to go to their mothers and girls tend to go to their fathers. I think that'll be the case. If it's not, then he'll be a fine golfer.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

33 Weeks this week

I can't wait for my son to arrive. I'm so excited.

My wife has been getting some pains lately, I think they are Braxton Hicks contractions. Even though they are not supposed to hurt, I keep thinking that everybody is different. All we can do is tell her doctor to see if she is worried about it at all. I honestly don't think we should be that worried. I know God will watch out for my wife and unborn son.