PICTURES OF CADEN (Newest at bottom.)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Caden and the pediatrician

We went to Caden's pediatrician visit.

We asked her about the gas levels, and she said she thinks his CO2 level was at 58. That is on the high end of where he was running this last hospital visit. The level also goes up and down naturally based on the amount of physical activity you are doing. It is harder to remove CO2 when you are doing more activity. Just the same, it is harder to keep your oxygenation levels up when you are doing physical activity. But, when they checked Caden's oxygenation level, he was at 99 out of 100. So, he is keeping it up above where they expect it to be (89 to 95).

He gained 12 ounces since last Wednesday, which is what she was hoping for. His weight is on the lower end of where it should be, so she is having us pump him full of calories to help him increase his weight and get where he should be for his age.

She has changed his feeding schedule and amounts again. We were at 105 ml every 4 hours, now she is changing it to 115 ml every 3-4 hours during the day and 120 ml for the feeding before we go to bed and the first one in the morning. She is trying to give us a 6 hour window in which we can get ("hopefully") uninterrupted sleep. We'll see what actually happens.

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