PICTURES OF CADEN (Newest at bottom.)

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Tears of Sadness, Tears of Joy

Last night, my wife and I were crying when we left the hospital. They let us do something that we have not been able to do since he was re-admitted on Saturday. They let us give our little boy a kiss.

You never realize how much something that can seem so insignificant really is until it's not allowed. And when it is a way to express your love, it hurts even more when you can't do it.

My wife and I keep saying that we wish that we could hold our son, kiss him, and tell him that it's going to be alright, but we can't. He's in a special heating bed they call an isolette. So we can't hold him; we can barely even touch him. That's why when they let us give him a kiss last night, we were so happy.

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